How do I apply for an e-Apostille?

  1. Visit and follow the instructions provided on the website.
  2. Upload your documents and proceed with payment.
  3. Wait for notification confirming that your order is complete.
  4. As soon as your digital legailsied document is ready, we will email it to you. Usually, it is produced within 24 hours.
  5. Finally, send the legalised digital document  (PDF file) to the recipient who requires it.

Before applying for the e-Apostille, ensure that:

  • Your digital documents meet the eligibility criteria for this service. See
  • The e-Apostilled document will be accepted by the intended recipient.
  • Confirm whether your document needs to be electronically signed: by a UK notary or by UK solicitor.

Please note: We cannot issue refunds if the intended recipient rejects a legalized digital document."

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